Don’t Allow “Bugs” in Your Fuel Tank to Cause You Costly Downtime!
Wed, Aug 16, 2017
Imagine you come to use your fuel tank and there’s a problem – the fuel has gone stagnant and contamination is stopping the system from working.
Think of the inconvenience and cost downtime alone would cause you, never mind any repairs needed to the equipment the fuel has passed through. Say you’re a hospital, a data centre, a bank or a university, the electricity goes down and you’re relying on the emergency generator to power the building but the backup diesel tank feeding it has an issue and it fails to work. Disaster!
But why would this happen? Let’s go back a stage and explain...
The science behind stagnant fuel
The increasing bio-content in today’s diesel means that the fuel in our storage tanks often contains small, but problematic water levels which sink to the bottom of the tank. The area between the water and fuel is the perfect environment for bacteria or “bugs in fuel” to grow and feed. Over time, they combine to create colonies that become very difficult to break up. The nasty sludge they produce ends up blocking filters, damaging your pump and gets sucked into the machinery/vehicle that the tank is fuelling causing inconvenient downtime and costly repairs.
For tanks that are used daily, a water filter can usually do the job, but if your tank has less frequent usage then the water is allowed to settle and the “bugs” are left to grow as described above. Unfortunately, generator tanks fall into this category, where you simply cannot risk downtime.
Prevention is better than cure!
The cure can come in the form of the CTS Fuel Recirculation Unit – a system designed to prevent diesel fuel inside a storage tank from getting stagnant. By regularly recirculating the fuel, these bugs are not allowed to settle and grow. The system draws the fuel up from the front of the tank through a magnetic conditioner, which breaks down the bacteria to a size that allows them to pass through two conventional water and particle filters. This final filtration process removes any impurities before circulating the fuel back into the tank.
The CTS recirculation system turns over 1.5 times the tank capacity every 28 days - By not allowing the “bugs” in your fuel to fester, the CTS recirculation system tackles the issue at the root cause, giving you assurance that you equipment is free from the damage and downtime fuel contamination can cause. If reliance on your fuel tank is great, the issues the above situation would cause you are not even worth thinking about, so eliminate the risk as soon as possible with a recirculation unit.
Watch the video below to see how quickly bugs in fuel can become a problem, and how a recirculation unit can help to prevent unexpected downtime and costly repairs.
Having problem with contaminated fuel?
We offer a range of products for cleaning fuel from fuel filtration to Recirculation units and fuel conditioners.
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